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  Police Statements
To the families of the Police and others in the Legal System:  If we post your loved ones name we will not stop until they admit their crime. This could mean jail or in extreme situations even suicide.  Please understand we do NOT want this.
Our intention is to get the TRUTH out!!
Wrongfully convicted CANADIANS feel continuously RAPED of their rights.

Judge  Cosgrove,
in one murder trial,  found 150 times that police and crown lied and falsified evidence. He found that when police and crown were caught lying, they would just lie again.
To Fellow CANADIANS: This site is dedicated to teach you how openly corrupt and unstable themselves that our peers in the justice system are.
We just want the TRUTH!
The Royal Commisiion into the Marshall Case found that "When Police conspire other officials loathe to admit the system had broken down
" They abuse the rights of the "WRONGFULLY CONVICTED"

PAUL ROCHON  (Police Officer)

(A Personal Note from Dave Roberts)

For People reading about Paul Rochon:
Paul is a creative writer, six police officers wrote statements about Feb 15/95 charges, all the officers’ statement differ from each other.  Then Paul investigates and writes one story about Feb 15, then says that all six men will swear to his story, which is different from all their first statements.  As you will see about Paul, Paul is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is from Ottawa Police’s major crime unit.

To Paul:
On Feb 15/95 investigation, you said there was no proof that I had court Feb 15/95.  In your report Feb 15 you talked about police officers bump on shin or chin and the injury the officer received.  Paul, why did you leave out courthouse security had to rush me to the hospital, and why was no report made of this.  On May 10/95 you charged me with breaking conditions that was placed on me Jan 3/95, Paul the charges were dropped Feb 15/95, so how could I possibly be charged 3 months after the charges were dropped.  In your statement to the police complaint  (2 years later) about your inadequate investigation and threat you stated that I was found insane at the time of the crime on these charges.  Dr. Alnutt stated he based his whole assessment on your reports. Isn’t he as dumb as you?  You also stated I should be charged with criminal harassment for calling you.  Paul I do not think that calling you up and telling you to get off your ass and check to see if I had court Feb 15 and that the charges were dropped is criminal harassment that is why when I protested you by selling your false statements in front of the police station for nine days I had on the sign make good on your threat Paul.  Isn’t it funny Paul that twice when they investigated you that both times Feb 15 transcripts went missing and also the second investigation the letter from a witness that stated that I told them that the Ottawa Professional Standards would misplace these transcript. They even misplaced the witness statement that stated this.  Isn’t is funny Paul that all the investigators never checked the court house to see if I had court Feb 15 the real reason Paul that I filed this complaint was to show my friend how crooked the Ottawa Police Professional Standards Investigators are. The reason why Paul I protested in front of the police station was to embarrass Brian Ford Chief of Police and to get you off the back of a friend of mine who you were harassing.  And Paul it worked.  I’d like to say to you Paul what I said to the court security after the beatings they would give me is “Sign over everything you own and your going to jail”.  
Say hi to the Professional Standards guy’s cause they are going to be sued too.      


Police Statements and Testimony
CrownStatements and Testimony
Drs. Statements and Testimony
Judges Statements/Ruling
Also Soon to be added to this site:
Probation Officers Statements
Medical Review Board Statements  
(Confirmation of wrongful conviction)
Lawyers Statements
Media coverage


Email Now if you have a Wrongful Conviction Story or want more information